Resources on this site,

This site serves as a companion to my books and research, specifically related to the technology and processes used at Kennedy Space Center during Apollo. The website will be significantly expanded throughout the coming year, so check back often.
The interactive format of a website gives me the opportunity to highlight some interesting things that you just can't show well in a book. On the other hand, a book allows you to provide more descriptive narrative than you can in a website.
So, please enjoy the books and website together! Information is cross-referenced whenever possible. We will be expanding this website frequently with new information and photos.
My other Apollo website is It focuses on the people, teams, and organizations that assembled, tested, and launched the Apollo missions from Kennedy Space Center.
www.BringingColumbiaHome is dedicated to the STS-107 mission and the recovery and reconstruction of shuttle Columbia after the February 1, 2003 accident.
Our sister site showcases the men and women of Kennedy Space Center who helped make the Apollo program a success.
Click here to visit

The People of Kennedy Space Center During the Apollo Era

Resources on
Our Two Sites on Apollo/Saturn at Kennedy Space Center
Click here to learn more!